Money Junkies & Redemptive Philanthropy

roll of bills

Bezos, Bloomberg, Buffet, Zuckerberg, Gates and Musk would like you to believe it’s possible to make billions without stealing. It’s not.

Their existence is a failure of our system. Extreme wealth is criminal. Redemptive philanthropy is just a pittance of what was stolen. In every instance the taxpayers seeded the research and development of technology appropriated by these criminals. Including their current Covid windfall.

Those greedy tax-dodging taskmasters have not a day of public service amongst them. And yet have the nerve to ask “where’s the money to come from?” when the subject of basic human rights such as decent homes, education and healthcare comes up. Let them pay their fair share of taxes, their philanthropy only satisfies their inflated egos.

Billionaires are junkies who need intervention and treatment, the same as any other addict. But because their drug is money, and money is power, they can lie and cheat to the next fix without the threat of consequences.

The drug pushing Sacklers strut free and dictate their own terms while their victims pile up in the cemeteries. They pay no taxes, make money without working, and use those ill-gotten gains to bribe lawmakers.

While the middle class and working poor fight amongst themselves, money-junkies are overdosing on a high and loathsome life, doubling their money on a pandemic.


Putting Faith Before Fact: two articles in the New York Times


Individual -vs- Collective