How long can the streak of white men in the White House go on?

The Democrats have three candidates among the many hopefuls who are not white men. They are described as an African American, Hispanic American and a feminist woman. The thought of any of these three in the rose garden has generated quite a buzz in the headlines and considering the high cost of advertising these days, the controversy is a fantastic bargain for them.

Politicians know that inside the booth voters also close their minds when they pull that curtain. And the irony that a lot of these voters are black, Hispanic and women is not lost on them. The politicians know about religion and those who profess to love America. They know that a country that gave George Bush two terms is not going to advance any concept of enlightenment. They know that people who can’t tell the difference between Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan are the majority.

The Democrats lived up to their jackass symbol by pandering to those who support the anti-intellectual, anti-science inclinations of George Bush. His cherry-picking truths have wasted thousands of lives and billions of dollars for reasons of his own and yet they dare not impeach him. They stood with child molesters and corrupt bribe takers to impeach a man for accepting pro-bono fellatio from a big fan. Everyone knows that presidents are more powerful than rock stars.

I just hope they have the guts when questions of qualifications arise, and point out that George Bush set the bar as low as it can go. The only thing thinner than his margin of victory was his resume. Because of his woeful performance, white men should be prohibited from running this time around. It’s time to debunk the myth, give some other group of Americans a chance to govern. Stop the streak now.

But when Schumer says we’re going after swing voters, we know what portends. All voters swing to varying degrees especially when it comes to food, housing, education, and health care. It sounds to me that after all the hype they will go with a white knight because they know the Republicans will bury those three in mud up to their ears. Expect John Edwards to keep the streak alive. At least they can say they tried. Whoo-hoo!

To use a football metaphor in summing up the next election, progressives such as Dean, Kucinich and Boxer will be sent to the sidelines and the Red team will toss Condi a Hail Mary pass over the head of Edwards to end the streak. Of course, that improbable scenario would be the same as two black head coaches meeting in the Superbowl game.

My thoughts on the candidates.

Hillary Clinton knew Bush was lying but she voted for the war because she thought it was manly and popular. It tipped the balance between my dislike of dynasties versus voting for a woman. And at this point Hillary gets my vote only for spite. A good old gal in the clubhouse could be a bigger nuisance than Obama or Richardson.

It won’t be long before we start confusing Obama with Osama. Right now he thinks Rice has broken the ice but he has a lot of overcoming to do.

Richardson would have to hope that Hispanics know he’s one of them and that blacks think he’s one of them ‘passing’ quietly and that whites think it’s just a fantastic tan.

In the meanwhile, I remain fascinated with descriptions such as African American, Hispanic, and white. One denotes a continent, the other an idiom and the latter, a color. For the sake of consistency the terms should be black, brown and white Americans. More accurately, they are half black, half brown and white; which also makes them half-white, half-white and white Americans. What will it be? The category of feminist will be addressed at another time.

Lastly, fact is, white men are a minority and they should not have exclusive rights to the presidency. Until the streak ends, we cannot in good faith call ourselves a democracy.


Religion, what is it good for? Let them kill each other.


In Praise Of Dilettantes and Other Fakers