Excess and Revolution: The Fall of Dynasties

Utility before decoration is the dictate of nature and in the wild, ostentatious displays signal both robust health and deadly poison. Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak and his ilk learned nothing from nature or from George III, Louis XVI, and Nicholas II; all dictators-for-life who lost their heads from excess and ostentation.

The concept of equal rights runs counter to that of dynasties. Nonetheless, we are bombarded relentlessly with news of a royal wedding while the world is up in smoke from the actions of this archaic institution. I am puzzled. Why cultivate parasites that have been known to kill their hosts? How on earth do the 'royals' beguile those yearning to be free? Or for that matter, those claiming to be free?

Just when The Queen is fading from memory, Hollywood is shoving The King’s Speech down our throats. Why do we treasure the crown more than our Phrygian cap? Nancy Reagan committed a treasonable offense punishable by death when she curtsied to Charles, the English Prince, in the White House!!! Our founding fathers are turning over in their graves.All kings will fall. Maybe except in Spain, where after 40 years of dictator Generalisimo Francisco Franco they voluntarily reinstalled the monarchy for no good reason. That the king is mere decoration did not stop him from publicly reprimanding the elected leader of a country at the United Nations. The danger in his pompous temerity and sense of entitlement appears to alarm no one but me. How can the Spanish square this with democracy?

I would love to know the answer to these questions without the use of Cinderella romanticism, religious censorship or authoritarian fancy.


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