Biden’ his time

… and maybe should resign.

Black Americans put Biden in office and then watched as he tip-toed around two traitors who stymied his agenda. Imagine if they were black. This is bogus. Biden should resign at once and let the VP take over. Let the turncoats deal with that. 

Black American voters stayed home and the Democrats lost. And that’s the plan: scare, frustrate and discourage. But it doesn’t matter, both sides are negligent. We’ve got to keep voting for term limits to put an end to cronyism and dynasties in government. And term limits for the supreme court as well.

Biden is a career politician that will always be comfortable with hypocrites such as Manchin and his greedy EpiPen daughter Heather Bresch. I am disgusted by Manchin and his profiteering family. Sinema is his acolyte and term limits is their kryptonite.

Imagine if they were black.


Burn in Hell


JAMBOO, A New Approach