Bad Boys

Women love bad boys because their whole reason for being is to change them. It’s a nefarious instinct meant to insure their survival. Bad boys make better hunters and red meat is essential to the developing fetus. If you own a womb it would be prudent to also own a bad boy.

Can a bad boy be owned without diminishing his hunting ability? The answer is a resounding no! But, for a handsome fee, there is no shortage of counselors like doctor Phil willing to tell confused couples otherwise. Their remedy for everything is “sensitivity” training for the male to develop his feminine side.

Women like to hear that and before you know it, the man is producing estrogen just to please her. He morphs into a specialized woman, loses his will to hunt, and she starts looking for a bad boy with lots of red meat.

Whatcha gonna do? Bad boys.


In Praise of Questions


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