AIRLINE ATROCITIES: AA and the Disappearing Middle Class

The airlines have merged the middle class with the lower class and called it economy class. Poof, just like that, the ladder of success vanished and social standing lost all meaning. And what did we get for it? More lawlessness and more greedy billionaires.

First class is for the very rich, business class is for the rich and economy is for everyone else. Professionals, educators and managers must now ride in steerage with the mostly uncouth, hostile and vulgar. The change demands a clear definition of personal space but it’s not only about square footage, it’s about decency and getting what you paid for. 

With this new order the airlines should have replaced the outdated reclining seats and install straight back slide-forward seats with side panels clearly defining the block of space you bought including overhead storage. The pain of cramped quarters with a shred of dignity, is better that the anxiety of the lawless free-for-all that we must deal with on our own.

The compulsive recliners can instead, take solace in the wonders of science that can take them to the sky at speeds of 500 mph. It’s not decorous but at least you are protected from armrest bullies, knee spreaders, leg crossers, and twitchers. Not to mention the pet pigs and earphones that can be heard from across the isles.

Not long ago, an experimental airline dedicated exclusively to first class passengers fell flat without an economy class to keep it aloft. Fact is, the amenities lavished on first class are at the expense of the working stiff in economy class. The inequity was made more galling considering the substantial taxpayer funding to the airline industry.

The attached illustrations show that American Airlines Boeing 777 carries approximately 245 passengers, 51 occupy the quieter front end of the cabin and 194 are seated behind the engines. The inequity is totally unnecessary, there is more than enough space for everyone to fly in relative comfort for a reasonable price. 

First, let’s get rid of first class, business class is luxury enough. The extravaganza of 16 first class seats taking up 30% of the cabin is obscene, it’s enough room for 56 business class seats. Economy would remain at 127 and the space in the middle could house the remaining 96 willing to pay for a little more legroom. There would be two new standing lounges, two extra bathrooms and bigger quarters for the crew if the CEO’s weren’t so greedy.

Greedy, lazy bullies. The powers of 911 allow them to do as they please and cutting back on service and maintenance made them richer. The extra effort that came with competition is no more and things are about to get worse. The NY Times reported that the merger of US Airways and American Airlines will lead to more of the same but with even fewer options, higher fees, and tacit collusion. Bub-bye, keep moving.

A rich, aging, NYC celebrity replied, when asked why she stopped traveling: “why travel when I’m already there?” It’s conceivable that people will seek adventure by way of virtual reality goggles instead of leaving the comforts of home. No more four-hours-in-advance, submit to long lines, invasive searches and overpriced airport malls. Moreover, virtually there are no surprises and you are in total control. It’s never like that in real travel. The on-site tour of the Golden House of Nero begins when they hand you the goggles. Look again, bargain posh is a viable alternative to the greedy and unfriendly skies of the airlines.

airplane plan

The Wise Wife


INTUITION FREE: The End of Free Tuition at Cooper Union